Adding / Updating Your Directory Listing

Be included in the clinician directory

The OCD Clinician Network exists to help Australians who live with OCD to find treatment.

Benefits of being listed in the directory

If you have special interest and expertise in treating OCD, being listed can:

  1. Help to make the treatment-seeking journey easier for clients

  2. Increase your mix of referrals for clients with OCD

  3. Enhance your credibility among other professionals such as GPs and therapists

Clinician requirements

To maintain the quality of the listings, you must be:

  1. Registered with AHPRA without conditions or undertakings

  2. Nominated by a clinician who is listed in the directory

  3. Interested and competent in treating clients with OCD

  4. Able to briefly articulate how you use evidence-based practice in treating OCD

How to get listed in the directory

It's free to be listed, but you will need to be nominated and register on the website. Here's the process:

  1. Find a clinician in the directory who knows you and can invite you

  2. Contact them directly and ask them to nominate you

  3. We’ll then send you a link to our submission form

  4. Submit your listing for us to verify

  5. Get approved, listed, and make it easier for clients to find you!

Can't find a clinician in the directory to nominate you? We'd love to expand this network, so contact us directly to introduce yourself.

Nominate a new clinician for the directory

Update your directory listing

Use the below form to make changes to your clinician listing.

We’ll review and verify the changes before updating the directory.

If you’re changing your photo, please email it to