About OCD
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder that can have a big impact on someone’s life when left untreated.
People who live with OCD tend to experience:
Obsessions — which are unwanted thoughts, mental images or feelings that cause distress. These are usually persistent and recurrent but can change in theme from time to time.
Compulsions — which are rituals people do to try and get rid of their discomfort from their obsessions. These can be mental or physical rituals.
Interference — the obsessions, compulsions, and avoidance of OCD symptoms together take up significant time (e.g., more than an hour per day) or interfere with things that they value (e.g., relationships, wellbeing, daily living, work, study).
OCD can have a big impact because the relief that a person gains from their compulsions is only temporary.
Because the obsessions keep coming back, they cause a cycle that is hard to break.
People also tend avoid more and more things that might make this cycle worse, so their world can start to feel like it’s shrinking.
Everyone who lives with OCD experiences it differently.
Below are some example of some obsessions and compulsions. Note that this is not a comprehensive list of possible symptoms!
Contamination, germs, or being disgusted, e.g.,
Worries about germs or harmful pollutants
Concerns about spreading or catching sickness
Feeling disgusted by a thought, person, place or thing
Washing hands, sanitising, showering, or cleaning
Having specific rules or routines when cleaning
Not touching certain surfaces or going certain places
Keeping one “clean” and one “dirty” hand
Responsibility for something bad happening, e.g.,
Doubting whether you have been careful enough
Thinking about how you can prevent bad luck
Feeling uncertain about your own actions
Repeatedly checking locks, handbrakes, stoves, etc.
Mentally reviewing things you’ve recently done
Asking others for reassurance
Using counting or other tricks to prevent bad luck
Not switching on certain appliances
Avoiding driving certain routes
Fears about own thoughts or actions, e.g.,
Wondering if you will lose control and do something violent
Having sexual thoughts that you find inappropriate or repulsive
Fear of saying impulsively something embarrassing or blasphemous
Trying to mentally “solve” or explain your thoughts
Repeating a specific thought or action to reassure yourself
Saying prayers or performing religious rituals
Withdrawing from people or places that remind you of your obessions
Delaying activities that could lead to you doing or thinking something
Removing opportunities for impulsive action (e.g., not having sharp knives)
Wanting things to be just right, e.g.,
Thinking about how a room or area is messy
Discomfort when items are not arranged properly
Upset when something said does not “sound right”
Tidying, arranging and re-ordering messy items
Doing things to “balance” sensations in the body
Repeating doing or saying something until it feels right
Preventing others from interfering with things you’ve arranged
Delaying speaking until you find the right words and tone
There are many other obsessions, compulsions and avoidance behaviours.
That’s the diverse nature of OCD. People can have OCD thoughts themed about almost anything.
It’s generally not the subject of the thoughts but the cycle of thoughts that makes it OCD.
If you live with OCD, you should know that…
1. You are not alone.
In any given year, about one in every 50 Australians lives with OCD. Plenty more people know and care about someone who lives with OCD.
2. You are not “crazy”, “weak”, or “bad”
People who live with OCD usually know that their thoughts or urges are excessive or don’t seem logical. But they still feel a lot of distress anyway. Researchers and clinicians agree that OCD is not a reflection of a person’s character or mental strength.
3. It’s nobody’s fault.
You might have read about research into how OCD runs in families, or develops after childhood and life experiences. Researchers agree that OCD probably develops with a recipe of biological, psychological and social factors. The exact recipe is probably different for different people. If you’re a parent of a child with OCD, you have not failed your child and are not to blame!
4. Good treatment options exist.
We know that OCD is treatable, but it often takes a long time for someone to realise that what they’re experiencing is OCD and to find appropriate help. Have a read of our Treatment Options page to learn about what works.